LIGHTHOUSE 2020-2021
Ebru Aydin
Zoë Zandwijken
Naomi Kok
Pippilotta Yerna
Walter Costa
Ana Núñez Rodríguez
Michelle Piergoelam
Daan Russcher
Monika Balu
Alexis Molina
Lighthouse is a program that FOTODOK started in 2019. Every year we financially support and guide 10 motivated emerging photographers. They have the opportunity to develop a new project proposal with the help of masterclasses and inspiration sessions. With Lighthouse we focus on the artistic development and entrepreneurship of the talents. Lighthouse is made possible with the support of: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Forhanna, Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, K.F. Hein Fonds and ABN AMRO Cultuurfonds. FOTODOK is structurally supported by Gemeente Utrecht and Mondriaan Fonds.